Class, Workshop and Retreat Updates
* Sunday 9:30am 'HATHA/PRANAYAMA class
with Elaine Loiacono begins September 20th
*Wednesday 5:30pm 'YOGA BASICS'
class begins September 23rd
* Sunrise Yoga- Tue. + Thu. 6:15-7:15am
* Ashtanga Yoga- Mon. 7:00-8:15pm
... and more.
Check the schedule page for additions + changes.
Ashtanga Yoga- Mon. @ 7:00pm beginning Sep. 7th
Basic Hatha- Mon. @9:30am + Thu. @ 9:30am
Yoga Basics-Wed. @5:30pm
Hatha/Pranayama- Sun. @ 9:30 beginni
Sep. 20th with Elaine Loiacono*
Level Two- Mon. @5:30pm, Wed. 9:30am,
Sat. @ 7:30am + Sun. @ 8:00am
Mixed Levels- Thu. @ 7:15pm + Sun. @ 7:15pm
Meditation- Wed. @ 7:00pm Donation: $5.00
Sunrise Yoga- Tue. + Thu. @ 6:15am
Yin Yoga - Thu. @ 5:30pm Yoga for Weight Management |
Interview with Liza Keogh, owner of Soularium
Why do you practice yoga?
There's a feeling I get when I practice yoga poses, work with my breath, and meditate that is unlike anything else; and because this 'practice' leaves me feeling good, feeling 'whole' or more together, I keep doing the yoga in order to access that state of being
learn more.
(put your words here....)So today Julie Harper and
I are eating lunch in a restaurant. There is never any parking,
so you just either park on the curb, or go with what is available and
park where ever you see something. I found a nice spot right in front
of the restaurant, but it was partially over a crosswalk. Apparently,
this is a big no no in Italy...so while I was eating the restaurant
owner warned us of cops outside. I went outside to find them ticketing
my car.
I tried to explain to them that I was leaving
immediately, and that was not good enough. They asked to see my drivers
lisense, I gave them my CA DL, and they laughed. Said if I was a
foreigner, I had to give the penalty of 74 Euros (about 125 dollars)
immediately or they would tow my car into a garage in the city. I was
pissed, but what could I do, I had to run down the street to the ATM
and pay them immediately so Julie, Harper and I could drive home! Nice
way to pay $125 in less that 5 min! |